What is a New Year’s Resolution?

Program Highlights December 28, 2023

Tonight was a fun evening that started by discussing how our Christmas was and some of our favorite gifts. Then we talked about New Year's Resolutions, what they were, examples of resolutions and asked the heroes to share a resolution they might have.  We got a lot of great ideas, like "Help make more dinners", "Go to more parties" and "Help more around the house."

We played a new game with our indoor snowballs.  We broke into 2 teams and divided the room into 2 parts by taping a line down the middle of the white room.  Each team had 3 minutes to try to get more snowballs on the other team's side than they could get on theirs. This was a fun way to get some exercise, running, throwing, squatting as well as teamwork. 

We then played two rounds of bingo, one regular bingo and one covering the whole bingo card.  The heroes were very interactive, sharing whether they found the number, smack talking about who was going to win, sharing how many numbers they had left, etc. Cammye won the first round and Michael A won the 2nd.  All the heroes were good sports!

After a bathroom break we played a saran wrap prize ball game.  Each hero had a chance to unwrap the prize ball until the hero next to them rolled doubles on 2 dice, then the ball was passed to the right as well as the dice.  The play continued until the whole ball was unwrapped, then we had time to trade with each other and with extra prizes Miss Chrissy brought. This was a great game to work on so many skills!

1. Fine motor:  Saran wrap can be tricky to pick apart and peel

2. Frustration tolerance: Some rounds you don't get any prizes out and you need strength to pull it apart

3. Good sportsmanship: Some people will get more prizes or prizes you might have wanted

4. Watching for doubles on dice: You need to roll fast but not too fast to monitor whether you rolled doubles to move to the next person

5. Communication: Communicating to each other when to play, pass, pause as well as who might want to trade prizes

We then moved on to 2 fun Minute-to-win-it games. The first game required each hero to kick a ping pong ball just enough to make it land between 3 and 4 feet.  This meant they needed to adjust how hard to kick it based on how their previous attempt went.  They each had three chances to trial and error their kicks.

The second game was a ping pong toss into a plastic cup starting at 3 feet, then moving back if successful until they ran out of chances. 

Hand-eye coordination, problem solving and modulating how hard to throw were all skills focused on during this game. 

We will definitely be doing more Minute-to-win-it games in the future as the group loves them!


What a Wonderful Group


Holiday Party