Happy Birthday to our Hero!

Program Highlights Thursday January 25, 2024

We had another fun filled night at Hurley's Heroes!  

In preparation for next week (2/1/24), we learned about making coffee and practiced using the Keurig machine. Just a reminder, our heroes will be working in rotating groups to man a pop up coffee shop, in our building, at the top of the stairs from 5:30-6:30pm. We will be serving FREE coffee (decaf and regular) and hot chocolate with all the coffee fixins'. Feel free to stop by anytime during that hour and let our heroes serve you!

One of the highlights of this evening was our heroes celebrating Colin's 25th Birthday! Colin's mom sent in 2 pinatas filled with sensory toys and the guys and girls had a blast trying to bust them open.

We all crowded around Colin to serade him with the Happy Birthday song!  

Another highlight was Miss Rebeca and Monolo coming to visit. Miss Rebeca taught winter yoga and Monolo helped out with round two of relay racing. This time we upped the ante and added cones that each hero needed to scoot or run around, bean bag tossing down the line and a shoe relay race to see which team could get all their shoes back on first.

We finished up our bird feeders and sent those home with each hero, anyone who wasn't here this week, don't worry, we still have one to send home next time we see you.

Before finishing up the evening, we did a conversation game which ended in the heroes strutting their stuff in a dance competition to show off their moves.  

The Hurley's Heroes Team 

If you are interested in a free trial, contact us!


Pop Up Coffee Shop


What a Wonderful Group