Pizza Craft

Program Highlights Thursday February 8, 2023

Today our Hurley’s Heroes celebrated an early Valentine’s Day with Valentine’s themed games and activities! 

First we played several rounds of Valentine’s Day bingo and prizes were Valentine’s Day themed, like parachuting hearts, heart necklaces and heart putty. Everyone is really improving in their listening and matching skills and they love to see who will get BINGO!.

Then we created a Valentine’s Day pizza craft and worked in 3 separate groups so each table could have a volunteer to help with any challenging fine motor aspects. The task was divided into three sections, decorating the pizza box/taping together, attaching the cheese to the crust and adding decorative toppings. 

We then did Karaoke in the white room with a mix of current favorites and “love songs”. After singing, a few heroes broke off and had an impromptu sword fire with pool noodles. It’s nice to see the creativity of the heroes and initiating interactions with each other outside of the structured activities. 

We finished up the evening with a Valentine’s dice game. We played this game broken into our smaller groups. This game’s rules were similar to the dreidel game with a few rule changes and instead of the traditional gold coins we used conversation hearts. 

The Hurley's Heroes Team 

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